The Pond Foundation, the non-profit carbon capture specialist, has verified and added two new carbon capture projects to the growing portfolio of global programmes that make up the My Carbon Zero initiative.
The latest project to be added to the portfolio is the Ivory Coast-based Tanoé-Ehy Forest conservation fund, working to protect and conserve the forest one hectare at a time. Working with indigenous peoples, local NGOs, communities and private sector contributors, the preservation of the forest will not only sequester carbon from the atmosphere, but it will also improve livelihoods and governance structures for local people and protect critical habitats and biodiversity.
The ultimate aim of the project is to establish a transboundary conservation area with neighbouring Ghana to help crack down on illegal logging and bushmeat farming as well as protecting a local primate at threat of extinction.
Joining the Tanoé-Ehy Forest Conservation Fund in My Carbon Zero is the Wild Asia Group Scheme, a Malaysian based low-tech biochar production programme that supports oil palm smallholder farmers.
The project’s mission is to demonstrate that improving soil health naturally is not only good for the environment but can also improve on-farm income for farmers. Over the next ten years, the project aims to build at least one million metric tonnes of carbon pools under agriculture, preventing it from being released into the atmosphere.
The project converts oil palm agricultural waste into biochar, a form of charcoal, which is then inserted into the soil to improve water retention, plant yields and, most importantly, capture the carbon in the soil. Conservative estimates suggest that this carbon can be held in the soil for a minimum of 75-100 years but the oldest such soils in the Amazonias date back 4,000 years.
The climate-based-justification behind WhatIF Foods‘ choice of beverage packaging
The Pond Foundation (TPF) member, WhatIF Foods is a planet-based food company based in Singapore founded on regenerative principles. TPF, strategic sustainability action advisors, work closely with WhatIF Foods to maximise sustainable and ethical practices in their value chain as they grow.
In accordance with its regenerative approach, WhatIF Foods chose to package its flagship product, Bamnut Milk, in Tetra Pak® cartons. For a globalised food company selling beverage products, there exists several popular choices for packaging, including glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, or Tetra Pak® cartons.
This document aims to justify their choice of packaging from a sustainability perspective.