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Pond Foundation Ghana

Pond Foundation's high quality biochar, produced from waste Baobab husks
Pond Foundation Ghana

Pond Foundation's Biochar Initiative: Regenerating Soils and Sequestering Carbon

Pond Foundation, in collaboration with Orgiis, is leading an impactful biochar production initiative in Paga, Ghana. This project transforms Baobab waste into biochar, a powerful tool for enhancing soil health, boosting agricultural productivity, and sequestering carbon. With growing interest in regenerative agriculture and carbon removal, this initiative offers a meaningful way for individuals and organisations to invest in both environmental sustainability and local economic development.

                                              Click here to Support this Project, Or view our Project Design Document here

Why Biochar?

Biochar is produced through the carbonization of waste biomass (in this case Baobab husks) at high temperatures in the presence of limited or no oxygen (Pyrolysis). This process locks carbon into a stable form, preventing its release into the atmosphere while simultaneously creating a highly porous material that enhances soil fertility.

For farmers in northern Ghana, biochar offers an affordable and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, which are not only costly but also contribute to soil degradation over time. By incorporating biochar into the soil, farmers can retain moisture, increase nutrient availability, and improve crop yields even in arid conditions. Furthermore, biochar production avoids greenhouse gas emissions from the decomposition or burning of agricultural waste, contributing to climate change mitigation.

Project Overview

Pond Foundation's project in Paga focuses on producing biochar from baobab husks, a locally abundant agricultural waste product. By converting this biomass into biochar, the initiative is tackling key environmental and socio-economic challenges in the region, including soil degradation, poor crop yields, and waste management.

In 2024, the project produced over 60 metric tonnes of biochar using artisanal "ring of fire" kilns. This technique ensures efficient pyrolysis while keeping costs low and production methods accessible to local communities. Farmers involved in the Pond Foundation’s Regen21 Initiative and Orgiis Ghana benefit directly from the use of biochar, reducing their dependence on expensive chemical inputs and increasing their crop yields.

Socio-Economic Benefits

Beyond its environmental impact, the biochar project delivers significant social and economic benefits to local communities in northern Ghana. By providing farmers with an affordable and sustainable soil amendment, the project helps to increase crop yields and improve food security.

The project also creates local employment opportunities, both in the production of biochar and in its application on farms. By empowering communities to take control of their agricultural practices, Pond Foundation is fostering long-term economic resilience in the region.

                                              Click here to Support this Project, Or view our Project Design Document here

Monitoring and Verification

Pond Foundation is committed to transparency and accountability. Each stage of the biochar production process is documented via online forms. Photos, production data, and lab reports are stored digitally, ensuring that all carbon sequestration claims are verifiable.

Samples of biochar are sent to accredited laboratories, with initial results showing a high-quality biochar with an H/Corg ratio of 0.24, indicating it as highly persistent within the soil. An H/Corg ratio of 0.4 or less (according to EBC C-Sink guidelines) indicates that 74% of the biochar's carbon is likely to remain in the soil for over 100 years, though recent studies estimate this number may be as high as 1000 years (Schmidt et al., 2022).

Why Invest?

Investing in the Pond Foundation’s biochar project is more than just purchasing carbon credits - it’s an opportunity to support regenerative agriculture, restore degraded land, and empower local communities in one of the most vulnerable regions in the world.

Revenue from Pond Foundation's biochar initiative will also help to support the work we are doing with Hilary's Kids, our initiative aimed at supporting communities in northern Ghana with clean water solutions, medical supplies, educational materials and female empowerment. Read more about this initiative on our 'Initiatives page'.

The future of agriculture is regenerative, and biochar is at the forefront of this transformation. By investing in this project, you can be part of a global movement to combat climate change and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Join us in supporting the Pond Foundation's biochar initiative and help create a healthier, more sustainable future for communities in Ghana.

                                                                            View our Project Design Document here